Day 5

 Sun, Oct. 18, 2020

Purgatory Resort, Bear's Game, Dinner at the Club

But first another surprise on the cul-de-sac right in front of Jeff & Michelle's home...

The balloon has landed.

 Now some videos to capture the moment...
Length: 00:00:04 sec.

Length: 00:00:05 sec.

Length: 00:00:18 sec.

As we watched the balloon be put away, 
the pilot of the balloon stopped by and gave us her card:

Now our hike to Purgatory...

Michelle leading the way as Jan follows...

On our way to the river bed...

Still working our way down a switch back...

There's the river basin.

Walking through the basin on our way to Cascade Creek.
So nice!
l. to r. Michelle, Jeff, & Jan

The best hostess's we could ever have!

Tomorrow's hike will take us to Engineer's Peak
which you can see peaking out over the horizon.

At the river base the video takes a look at both creeks 
converging at this point.
Length: 00:00:18 sec.

Where two creeks converge.
The Lime Creek from the left and the Cascade Creek from above.
Look closely to see Jeff standing in the middle of it all.

Looking from above the two creeks coming together...
Length: 00:00:20 sec.

I liked the large pine cones on this pine tree,
so I took the picture.


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